Kelly Ryan Centerline Pro Bagger

With apron speeds of up to 20' per minute, trucks unload fast!
- New two-piece Centerline Pro
- Hydraulic platform/beater drive
- Apron speeds up to 20' per minute for fast truck unload
- Self-cleaning tunnel means no need for tunnel clean out
- Bagger and platform are individually wheeled for portability
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- 100” rotor with 92 packing bars
- Puts up to 15% more in the bag than bottom-pack units
- Packs more punch from the center, with less H.P., for tighter, more uniform bags of feed
- Higher quality feed due to more even packing
- Self-cleaning tunnel
- 14" cable drums with single-wrap cables for up to 200' bag
- 2" diameter cable drum shaft
- American-made RC-160 roller chain main roller drive
- 3-7/16" bore tapered TIMKEN roller bearing on drive and idler end
- Dual mechanical brake calipers
- Bag lift with cradle
- Dual 667X pintle apron chains
- Provides positive load movement
- Hydraulic cable rewind
- 2" double endplate
- Prevents silage juice from reaching the main motor bearing
- Remote grease bank for all rotor bearings
- Four-port hydraulic quick connect makes setup easy
- On-board hydraulic jack make it easy to convert to operating position
- Self-contained hydraulic system with 55-gallon reservoir
- 100" patented Centerline raised packing rotor
- Bondioli 2201 Gearbox
- 540 rpm, 1000 rpm PTO
- Same gearbox as 12' Centerline, rated at 150 horsepower
- Hydraulic brake with hand pump and gauge