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Weigh-Tronix 640 Series

Weigh-Tronix 640 Series
Accurate, dependable scales
Avery Weigh-Tronix, Inc. has introduced its 640 Series family of indicators for agribusiness weighing applications. The 640 Series includes three easily programmable high performance models - the 640 for a wide variety of general applications, the 640XL with the industry's largest 2" display and the miniature 640M that is 72% smaller and ideal for places where space is limited such as in a truck or tractor cab. 640 Series indicators come with a 3-year factory warranty.
5.5"h x 7.25"w x 3.25"d
8.7"h x 10.5"w x 6"d<
8.7"h x 10.5"w x 6"d
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Model 640

The Model 640 is a general purpose indicator which provides simple, yet accurate and reliable weighing used on mixers, grain carts, livestock scales, feed bins, weigh carts and many more applications.
  • Simple Operation - ZERO key zeros the scale, PRINT key transfers weight data to printer, computer, or transfer data module (TDM-40)
  • Gross/Tare/Net - G/N key allows viewing of either gross or net weights. TARE key is useful for temporary &qout;zeroing" of the scale
  • Motion Filtering - Enhanced dual "harmonizer" filtering settles down weight display for easy viewing. Ideal for filtering excess motion on mixers and livestock applications
  • Memory Accumulators - 100 six-character alpha-numeric accumulator channels. Useful in identifying fields, seed type, livestock groups or amounts of recipes batched and or fed


  • RS-232 Port
  • RD40/XL Port
  • RF Option
  • Printers
  • TDM-40 Transfer Data Module
  • Remote Displays
  • Several scale connector options
  • Junction Box
Power 10-17 VDC
12 VDC @ 55mA - 4 w/b, no backlight
12 VDC @ 270mA - 4 w/b, backlight
Optional: 115 VAC/12 VDC converter
Enclosure Water and dust resistant,
structural polycarbonate
Display 6 digit, 14 segment LCD display
green-yellow backlight, ten adjustable
brightness levels
Display Rate Selectable 1, 2, or 5 times/second
Unit of Measure lb or kg
Excitation 5 volts, drives ten 350 - ohm weigh bars
Analog Range +/- 8 mV/V
Annunciators lb, kg, auto, motion, gross and net
Operational Keys ON/OFF, RM, M+, TARE, G/N, HOLD/
(audible key feedback)
Capacity Range 999,999 lb/kg decimal down to 2 places
Increment Sizes Multiples and sub-multiples of 1, 2, and 5
(.01 up to 500)
Internal Resolution 64,424,509 counts per mV/V per second
A/D Conversion Rate 60 times/second
Zero Tracking Off, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 divisions
Time and Date Battery backed up real time clock
RS-232 Port Optional bidirectional RS-232 port
AMP 8 pin circular connector
Response to ASCII character inputs
Baud rates (1200 - 115200) Xon/Xoff;
Parity selectable, 7/8 data bits
RS40/XL Port Proprietary RD40/XL protocol, required
to interface to RD40/XL
RF Port 802.11B 2.4 GHz WIPORT (required to
interface to the wireless RD40RF)
TTL Inputs XM64 transmitter, programmable
inputs option on 640 or from RD40XL
Environment -20° to 140° F
-20° to 60° C
Weight 5.2 lb / 2.4 kg
7.2 lb / 3.3 kg shipping weight
Warranty 3 years