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Newest Arrivals
New 2024 Manitou MLT625-75hManitou MLT 625- 75H Telehandler. 5514 lb lift capacity to 19'4". Fully loaded and includes comfort steer package, reducing operator fatigue and increasing comfort.$106,000
New Gehl RT165New GEHL RT165 Track Loader. 1650 lb lift capacity, with cab & air give us a call!
New Hyundai r60Operating weight - 13000 lbs. 9190 bucket breakout force, Max dig depth 11'9". 63 HP. Fully Loaded machine. Includes 2 buckets, thumb, cab & a/c, camera. 3 year 3k hour warranty. Cash Rebate Available $15000 through June!
New 2024 Hyundai R35Hyundai R35z-9A - zero turn, 8470 lb operating weight. $12000 rebate through this month! Cab & Air machine, with 4 way blade, & thumb. Give us a call! 3 year 3k hour warranty. Extended warranties available.